Message from Your ACHE Regent
Winter 2019
Hello winter! As I am sitting here writing my last Regent Message, the thermometer outside the window reads 10 degrees, but on the positive side it is clear. In just thirty days my term as Regent will end and Denise J. Fiore, FACHE, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President of L & M Healthcare, will take over as your new Regent. My sincere thanks and appreciation to all of you for your support and engagement during my term; it has been a true honor to serve you and the American College of Healthcare Executives as the Connecticut Regent. I wish Denise much success in her new role and look forward to working with her.
I am looking forward to visiting students at the University of New Haven (one of our HENs) next Tuesday evening. Campus visits are one of the really great activities that Regents get to do. In addition to feeling like you are giving back and helping students connect to an organization that can accelerate their healthcare professional development and careers – the good feeling I get from making the visits lasts a really long time. There are so many aspects to campus visits that can be therapeutic.
We are also just 31 days from the ACHE 2019 Congress on Healthcare Leadership in Chicago. I hope to see many of you there as in the past. Convocation is on Sunday, March 3; please reach out to me or Denise if you are a new Fellow and are planning to walk. We definitely want to make sure we connect with you and get a group picture. In addition, if you are planning to attend Congress, please join other CTAHE Members on Monday, March 4 at Lou Malnati’s Gold Coast location. Sign up for this event via the CTAHE website. In the past, CTAHE members stayed connected at Congress via group texting. Please email Annamarie Grise with your cell number if you are planning to attend so everyone can be connected.
As always, I encourage you to check the CTACHE and ACHE websites for a full calendar listing of education and networking events and to see pictures from past events. CTAHE’s success and your ROI are based on our collective and individual engagement, so stay engaged.
Kurt A. Barwis, FACHE
Regent for Connecticut