The Connecticut Association of Healthcare Executives Mission:
To be the professional membership society for healthcare executives; to meet its members’ professional, educational, and leadership needs; to promote high ethical standards and conduct; to advance healthcare leadership and management excellence; and to promote the mission of ACHE.
Check out our Newsletter
Please join us again for another fun event at the ACHE Congress – March 28, 2017 Dinner Cruise
Click here to register and for sponsor opportunities. Private deck including private buffet, platinum bar package and DJ.
April 19th – CTAHE Women’s Forum Presents:
The Art of Disruption – Leading the Way to the Future, moderated by Diane Smith – an Emmy award winning TV journalist, documentary producer, radio talk show host, New York Times Bestselling author and speaker. To register, please click here. CTAHE Womens Forum Flyer 2017
Early Leadership Coaching Program 2017
Please check out our FAQ sheet for this new and exciting program. 2017 CTAHE Leadership Coaching Program Application
2017 CTAHE Women’s Forum Scholarship
We are seeking candidates for our 2017 annual scholarship award. Please visit our Women’s Forum Page for the criteria and application.
Mentor/Mentee 2016-2017 Program
Thank you for your interest in the 2016-2017 CTAHE Mentor Program! The application process is now closed. No further applications will be accepted at this time. We will look forward to your future interest for the Fall of 2017 cohort.
Dear CTAHE (CT Association of Healthcare Executives) Member,
Every year we conduct a survey of the CTAHE members for the purpose of enhancing the value we bring to our membership through our local chapter. This year the survey asks about your familiarity and satisfaction with the CT Association of Healthcare Executives, and also focuses on the events, credentialing, and volunteer opportunities.
If you have already completed the survey, thank you for your time and feedback and please disregard this email. If you have not yet taken the survey, please take a few minutes and complete it as soon as possible.
Our chapter will gain valuable insight from the survey that will help us to serve you better this coming year.
We ask you to answer as many questions as you can, even if you are new to our chapter or have little or no experience with activities.
The survey can now be accessed without completing the password by clicking on the following link:
Member Testimonials:
“Offering quality education programs is key to our mission. Networking and education sessions allow us to learn from our peers and other experts about current issues of interest. It has resulted in valued interaction and friendships with others in our profession as we learn from our experiences and are willing to share them with our colleagues”.
Morris Gross, VP Engineering, Danbury Hospital
“Being a member of ACHE has provided me with the ability to communicate with colleagues and peers across many levels of the healthcare spectrum. Leadership and integrity are key elements of membership that have served me well over the past three years. Programs, training, and Chapter involvement provide many important tools for future advancement.”
Gary R. Smart, Manager, Special Projects & Clinical Support, Yale-New Haven Hospital
“ACHE has allowed me to find a network of healthcare professionals who have a shared vision of promoting professionalism, encouraging continuous learning, and finding ways to enhance leadership skills; all of which are extremely important for today’s healthcare executives.”
Donna Daniels, Laboratory and Pathology Administrative Director, Eastern CTHealth Network
“When I was considering a career in hospital administration, it was an ACHE Fellow who introduced me to the field and has served as a mentor over the years. He modeled professional education, commitment to the field and what professional management is all about. ACHE has added great substance, collegiality and professional education to my life and hospital administration practice. I would recommend highly membership and fellowship in the ACHE. It will add to your career’s success!”
Quinton Friesen, Executive VP/COO, Greenwich Hospital